Recent Advances in Computational Pathology

This session holds paramount importance in the context of MIUA 2024, as it aligns with the conference's overarching theme of advancing medical imaging and understanding. Computational pathology, coupled with the digitization of tissue slides, represents a transformative leap in pathology practices. This topic is integral to MIUA 2024 as it addresses the evolving landscape of medical image analysis, showcasing how cutting-edge technologies can significantly impact pathology research, diagnostics, and treatment planning.

In an era where digital solutions are reshaping healthcare paradigms, the session provides a platform to explore the convergence of computational methodologies and traditional pathology expertise. By illuminating the potential of digitized tissue slides and the role of advanced algorithms in pathology, the session directly contributes to MIUA's mission of fostering interdisciplinary discussions and sharing insights that push the boundaries of medical image analysis. Attendees will gain valuable perspectives on the potential integration of computational pathology into clinical workflows, fostering a deeper understanding of the digital advancements shaping the future of pathology within the broader spectrum of medical imaging research at MIUA 2024.

Scope and topics:

This special session is poised to delve into the forefront of technological advancements revolutionizing the field of pathology. In an age where the digital transformation of traditional pathology practices is rapidly gaining momentum, this session aims to spotlight the pivotal role of computational pathology and the immense potential unlocked by the digitization of tissue slides.

The advent of computational pathology has ushered in a new era of precision and efficiency in diagnosing and understanding diseases. By harnessing the power of advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI), computational pathology allows for the automated analysis of digitized tissue slides, paving the way for more accurate and reproducible results. The increasing ubiquity of digitized tissue slides presents an unprecedented opportunity to enhance collaboration and knowledge-sharing within the pathology community. This session will explore the diverse applications of computational pathology across various medical applications, emphasizing its significance in pathology research, diagnostics, and prognostics. Attendees will additionally gain insights into the challenges and solutions associated with integrating computational pathology into routine clinical workflows.

The session will underscore the potential of computational pathology to revolutionize personalized medicine. By leveraging large-scale datasets and computational tools, researchers and clinicians can uncover novel biomarkers, identify patterns of disease progression, and tailor treatment strategies to individual patient profiles. The fusion of computational prowess with the inherent expertise of pathologists promises to redefine the boundaries of diagnostic precision and pave the way for a future where pathology is both digital and assisted by AI algorithms.


  • Dr. Adam ShephardTissue Image Analytics Centre, Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
  • Prof. Nasir Rajpoot, Tissue Image Analytics Centre, Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
  • Mr. Mostafa Jahanifar, Tissue Image Analytics Centre, Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
  • Mrs. Neda Zamanitajeddin, Tissue Image Analytics Centre, Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.


Computation Pathology, Digital Pathology, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Histopathology

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